CBD : What is Cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is the second most occurring substance within Cannabis. It has no psychoactive capabilities and is not addictive in any way, but CBD has benefits and numerous applications therapeutically.

There are now an increasing number of studies related to CBD, the effects it causes and also its benefits on numerous ailments. The scientific community has shown particular interest in this element after discovering the great therapeutic potential of CBD. Cannabidiol, therefore, has been used in various trials to treat various health problems, and today legal CBD is recognized as one of the main therapeutic elements of Cannabis.

The differences between CBD and THC

Cannabis, also often called hemp, is a plant that belongs to the “Cannabaceae” and is made up of various elements. The main ones are the substances called cannabinoids, namely tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

THC is psychoactive and capable of causing feelings of euphoria to those who consume it, combined with relaxation and altered perception of space or time. In the body, this substance binds to CB1s, which, when stimulated, exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hypotensive actions in addition to stimulating appetite.

CBD, on the other hand, does not act as a psychoactive and is basically opposite to how THC works. It binds to CB2 receptors within T cells and in the central nervous system. Stimulation of CB2 causes anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.

THC, therefore, has an effect capable of modifying and altering the mind and perception of things, while CBD is able to promote healing and improve states of anxiety or psychosis, treat disorders such as schizophrenia or epilepsy. Having no psychoactive effect, legal CBD is now found in much of the world, as is light cannabis.

CBD when to take and how to take it

Numerous CBD and hemp products are commercially available. Depending on the technique used for extraction it can come in different forms. The starting plant material is used to obtain legal CBD extracts, that is, which are derived from those cannabis plants that are regulated and permitted at the industrial cultivation level.

THC is removed from these extracts and then they are monitored and controlled so that the quality and quantity standards of cannabinoids present are met, and biological characteristics are also monitored.


One of the major products used to take CBD is Cannabidiol oil. The concentration in this element is variable, so you can choose the one you need (5, 10, 15, 20%, etc.). The strength of CBD oil is that it can be used in numerous ways. The extract is diluted with hemp seed and a variety of oils are obtained, which can be found for sale.

The oil can be taken alone under the tongue or added to foods and/or drinks consumed normally. Finally, CBD oil can also be found in capsule form for ingestion.

The most perceived effects result from taking CBD sublingually. This way, in fact, one is able to precisely dose the amount of product to be ingested, in addition to the fact that it is taken purely. The sublingual technique, moreover, allows the desired effects to be achieved quickly with times ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. This is possible basically because CBD taken under the tongue is absorbed quickly by the sublingual tissue and reaches the bloodstream almost immediately.

Smoking CBD with an electronic cigarette

One of the major innovations is to be able to find CBD in the form of e-cigarette liquid. This allows the harmful effects of smoking to be reduced but at the same time allows the therapeutic effects of CBD to be received. The inhaled vapor eliminates combustion and allows the substance to be taken more quickly with almost instantaneous effects.

Anti-inflammatory CBD for topical and cosmetic products

There are numerous topical and cosmetic products that have CBD among their ingredients and are particularly suitable for those suffering from chronic arthritis: they are generally found in the form of creams, ointments, lotions, ointments or balms and are applied directly to the affected area to reduce any inflammation and obtain pain relief. CBD is also increasingly being used in cosmetics for products that help combat skin problems such as psoriasis or acne.

The benefits of CBD

Studies done on the effects of CBD are now countless. It appears to have several benefits in treating various kinds of health problems. CBD-based drugs seem to be a good therapy against diseases such as convulsions, nausea, anxiety, inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia and more. Its main characteristics include acting as an antiepileptic, antispasmodic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic, as well as having analgesic properties and antioxidant action.

More and more patients suffering from seizures and muscle spasms are turning to CBD for its antispasmodic effects, which are also useful in combating problems related to epilepsy, especially when traditional drugs can no longer manage the symptoms. CBD is also a valuable aid in treating childhood epilepsy or improving the condition of those with “Dravet syndrome.”

Thanks to its antipsychotic and anxiolytic effect, CBD’s benefits include those of reducing problems related to post-traumatic and obsessive-compulsive disorder; it is prescribed as a remedy against anxiety, stress and depression as well as for the treatment of severe psychosis; thanks to its relaxing properties, it is also recommended for treating insomnia.

CBD-based products and drugs have analgesic effects, capable of quickly reducing feelings of nausea and pain of various kinds. Their high degree of digestibility and ability to stimulate appetite can be useful in the treatment of eating disorders. Legal CBD is also used as support in cancer therapies and combined as an adjunct to heavy therapies to treat HIV. The relaxing and sedative effects produced by CBD help reduce tension and psychosomatic inflammatory problems, as well as being able to keep asthma and blood sugar levels under control.

Legal CBD works excellently as an anti-inflammatory, turning into a perfect ally for treating dermatological problems such as acne and psoriasis, going on to improve skin health by keeping it moisturized and soft due to the presence of essential fatty acids. Finally, CBD also has antioxidant effects capable of fighting free radicals and, as a result, performing an anti-aging treatment, protecting the body and mind, limiting the chances of developing serious neuro-degenerative diseases.

Contraindications and side effects of CBD

Finding CBD products has become quite easy now, but before acting light-heartedly and buying them, it is good to know about any side effects and contraindications that may result from using CBD oil or simply taking it in different forms.

According to the report compiled by the World Health Organization, CBD is an essentially safe product that does not cause any kind of addiction, thus not causing conditions of dependence or abuse. The report also shows that CBD can cause side disorders and have non-serious contraindications. The chances that CBD may have side effects are minimal, but before using it, it is good to know about them.

One of the problems related to CBD use is the feeling of dry mouth, as if there is a lack of saliva. This is obviously not a serious situation but it can be a bit of a nuisance. This condition is caused by the interaction of CBD with cannabinoid receptors in the body by reducing the amount of saliva produced which, in turn, causes a feeling of oral dryness. This is a side effect that is not too common.

Dry mouth is not a very common side effect, while many CBD users admit to experiencing tiredness and fatigue. The severity of this feeling is not yet defined, and it is also unclear whether this condition occurs in conjunction with taking other medications, such as antiepileptic drugs for example. In general, however, it is not a situation to be overly concerned about. Should CBD be taken to treat insomnia, it is best to combine it with other supplements (melatonin-based for example) useful for regularizing sleep and improving the quality of rest.

Dizziness can be considered a mix of CBD side ailments and benefits. Basically, cannabidiol is a substance that reduces blood pressure, and for many this is a positive effect that improves one’s health, but for those who do not need it, having low blood pressure can cause a feeling of dizziness that could be a problem. If the pressure drops excessively, one could even faint, although this condition occurs only in rare, more severe cases. To be safe, at least initially, it is a good idea to monitor your blood pressure to know its level before taking CBD.

The always valid rule of thumb, however, is to start taking CBD at very low doses to see how it may interact with the body and the body. Should you experience no discomfort of any kind you can gradually increase the dosage (without of course exceeding the recommended limits). The effects of taking CBD will come quickly precisely because of the body’s ability to process this substance quickly. If you think that CBD may affect your health, the advice to consult your medical professional before taking it always remains valid. The same applies if you are taking other medications and want to start therapy with CBD products. Your family doctor will certainly know how to indicate dosage and dosage of the CBD product according to your different needs. Despite possible side problems and not overly serious contraindications, it is always advisable to take the product in a controlled and safe manner, especially at the beginning. CBD has positive effects on the body and any abnormalities should be promptly reported to one’s physician.
