Business Process Consulting – Developing the Mindset that Maximizes Business Opportunities

The successful business person is always on the look out for opportunities. The ability to enhance and exploit these business opportunities is a critical skill to master.

Shaping our thinking to encompass this ability is essential in our own leadership skills development and is one of the most important qualities of good leadership.

If we want to succeed at the highest level, this capacity must be integrated into the very fabric of our business. There are four key elements in developing the mindset that will insure we make the most of our opportunities.

One – Focus Your Thinking on Your Mission, Vision and Values

The “being open to opportunities” mindset is created, energized and informed, in the first instance, by knowing what we are in business for and for whom.

The passion and emotion that initially prompted the successful business person to start his or her venture is spelled out in the fundamental elements of Mission, Vision and Values. In the high performance business, these foundational elements are clearly articulated and continually reinforced.

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Mission, Vision and Values create the belief system of the business. Commitment to these elements keeps everyone in the business working together with high energy and clarity of purpose.

These elements become the mantra of the business and everyone in it. Mission Vision and Values form the creed in the successful business enterprise. The belief system, so created, first shapes the thinking in the business and then transforms that thought into effective decisions that maximize opportunity and deliver outstanding results.

Thinking deeply, in keeping with, and bounded by, this belief system, is critical for generating and seizing opportunities as they arise. It sets the scene and the framework for the pursuit of excellence in everything that is undertaken by the business.

Two – See the Connections

Once the belief system is in place and firmly established, it becomes the lens through which all our strategic business activities are viewed.
The belief system thus constructed engenders a spirit that inspires everyone to look for ways of fulfilling the Mission and the Vision of the business, in line with the strategic business plan.

The sense of purpose and direction that this inspiration creates is astounding. The business environment and the work undertaken within it are experienced as satisfying and fulfilling. This ethos, deliberately established and boxed, exerts a highly motivating influence on all the employees in the business. They trust their intuition and creative insights and combine their enthusiasm with well thought through planning.
