At times when you check the mail deliverability, you will come to know that some users are unable to find their emails in their inbox as they wanted them to be. This leads to the assumption that the mail has not been delivered, whereas the truth lies in the spam folder. If one mail from a sender has moved itself to the spam folder then the system automatically starts flagging all the emails that will be received by the same sender. And subsequently, the mail will be moved again and all over again to the spam folder. It does sound great, right? So, what do we do to remove the spam flag from the senders whose mail we want in our inbox?
So let us discuss below the steps that we can take to mark the sender into our contact list and save it from being moved to the spam folder.
- Hidden from the view in the dropdown you will find the Gmail spam folder. You can find the Gmail spam folder by hovering the mouse on the left-hand corner with the other folders over in there.
- The columns on the left expand enabling you to view the Gmail spam folder.
- Click on the Gmail spam folder, and the folder loads itself to the main user interface window.
- After the email delivering test, if the mail has been moved to the Gmail spam folder, then it will appear to you as marked and unread.
- Click on the square-like box that appears in the left corner, which represents the email.
- You can click on the button indicating not spam and move the mail to the inbox from the Gmail spam folder.
The Gmail Spam folder
With the help of configuration, you can showcase the Gmail spam folder in different ways. Let us see a few in the following.
- Click on the gear icon present on the top right corner of the user interface, where you will be to see a dropdown.
- Click on settings, the window with the settings option will open
- Click on labels
- Scroll down to see the Gmail spam folder setting
- Click on the option ‘show’, ‘hide’ or ‘show if unread’, you are free to change the settings whenever you want.
The configuration part depends upon you. If the settings of the spam are set in a way to hide, then you can later change the same. It will enable you the visibility of the spam folder, and at the same time, you can save the senders, that you want in your contact list.
After the discovery of the spam folder, the settings can be changed anytime as per your requirement. You may add the senders to the contact list if you want, as it can reduce the likelihood of emails running down to the spam folder. When you add the sender to your contact, this enables the email of the particular sender to hit the inbox directly.
And if ever any emails are wrongly termed as spam, and you can unmark the mail if you want. And when you unmark such mails, which had been marked as spam, it automatically moves into the inbox folder.