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Jeremy Schulman: Why Check Out Current Events When Travelling Abroad?

Traveling abroad can be an exciting experience, but it’s important to know the current events of the country you are visiting. You can avoid misunderstandings, find out about the culture and traditions of other countries, and have a conversation starter for when you meet locals.

But why should you learn first about the current events in other countries that you plan to visit? Here are some reasons from Jeremy Schulman on why you should get started with this important travel topic.

You Can Avoid Certain Misunderstandings In Your Destination

It’s important to know the language, culture, and traditions of a country you are visiting. This can help you avoid misunderstandings and make your trip more enjoyable. Many things can go wrong when traveling abroad if you don’t know some basic facts about the country or area where you’re visiting.

For example: If someone in another country gives you their phone number but doesn’t tell you their last name, how will anyone call them? You won’t know who these country locals are!

Also, if someone offers food on their plate at dinner time (as is common in many cultures), do not take it without asking first, because this may offend if done without permission by another diner sitting nearby who was waiting for his/her turn.

It Is Actually Good To Know About The Country You Are Visiting

By learning about the news in the country you are visiting, you can avoid misunderstandings and feel more comfortable in your surroundings when you know what’s going on around you. If you’re traveling abroad, learning about local customs will make it easier to fit in with your new surroundings, which might help avoid some awkward situations later on.

In addition to that, knowing some basic information and current events about other cultures helps open doors for conversation with locals, and you may find yourself discussing politics or current events with someone at dinner or over drinks.

Current Events In Other Countries Is A Conversation Starter

When you’re traveling abroad, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to make small talk with locals. This can be difficult if you don’t know how to speak their language or are unfamiliar with their culture.

However, if they see that you’re interested in what’s going on around the world and want to learn more about them by reading up on current events, Jeremy Schulman believes that this will help break the ice and make them more willing to engage with you.

You Will Learn About The Culture of Newer Places And Countries

Finally, if you’re traveling abroad, it’s important to learn about the culture and traditions of other countries. A good way to do this is by reading up on the country’s current events, as you can learn about what is going on in the world today and how it affects people around you.

You might also be interested in learning more about different cultures if you have friends or family members who are from different countries. If that’s the case, then learning about their culture will help build better relationships with them as well as understand what they’ve been through as immigrants (if applicable).
