How To Achieve Sterile Air

The main purpose of steril aire filtration is to eliminate bacteria, so it must be protected with a previous filtration to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency in the long term. As the following figure shows, a filter train for air sterilization consists of:

  • A highly porous polyethylene P filter element for particle retention
  • A coalescent filter element S made of fine polyester microfiber
  • A filter element of activated carbon A for hydrocarbon vapor
  • A final P-SRF N filter element to sterilize the air

The P-SRF and P-SRF N filter elements can be sterilized with either of the two sterile filtration processes: Sterilization on-site or Autoclave. Both elements can withstand more than 100 sterilization cycles without losing their integrity. Below we explain the respective processes.

If we ask ourselves, what is the job of filters in-process treatment? Typically we could say that retain dust, particles, dirt, etc. if we thought a little further, we would say oils and aerosols, but in some applications, this is not enough since there are microorganisms in the air that can be harmful to consumers of products and hence the importance of removing them and a point against it is that the same humidity and temperature conditions that produce the compressors favor the development of some of these microorganisms, so we must take special care to implement good manufacturing processes to protect our equipment, Products, and our customers. We achieve this care through sterile filtration for the following:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Nitrogen

Not only compressed air is needed, but many of the food, beverage, and other industrial applications require that certain gases be filtered to a sterile condition.


Tank Storage tanks usually contain products that must be protected from bacterial contamination. Since the contents of the tanks are constantly filled and emptied, outside air can enter or leave. Because the outside air has a bacterial load, this ventilation must be filtered; with this, the sterile ventilation tanks will allow free air from bacteria and particles.
