Home remedies for Dizziness 

In today’s fast-paced life, feeling dizzy from time to time has become common. Simply put, dizziness can be described as the feeling of instability, unsteadiness, lightheadedness. Nausea, vomiting, episodes of confusion and lack of concentration are some of the other secondary symptoms associated with dizziness. 

There are a multitude of causes for dizziness and symptoms also vary from person to person. While some individuals may exhibit moderate symptoms of dizziness that go away with proper rest, some may exhibit acute symptoms and complications. No matter what the intensity of the symptom is, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor. 

When it comes to dizziness treatment, there are several ways to keep the symptoms at bay or at best reduce the adverse effects of dizziness. There are always medical interventions that are vital in toning down the aftereffects of dizziness. However, here we have jotted down some of the priceless, easy and quick home remedies for dizziness treatment.

 Staying Hydrated:

Dehydration is a common cause of dizziness that is accompanied by symptoms such as dry throat, excessive thirst, etc. Dehydration may occur due to vertigo, hypotension or post an exhaustive session of workout. These may also lead to a lack of balance in posture and gait while standing or walking. The easy and most effective home remedy to avoid dizziness is to keep the body fluids replenished at all times. 

Avoid Sudden Postural Changes:

Postural hypotension is another major cause of dizziness. An individual might feel lightheaded or experience a lack of balance while suddenly sitting down or standing up. Such instant and jerky movements lead to a sudden dip in the blood pressure level, known as postural hypotension.

It is recommended to avoid sudden postural changes or maneuvers to avoid the risk of postural hypotension and in turn dizziness.

Ginger tea

Several researches and studies establish the significance of ginger in preventing and treating dizziness symptoms. The ginger root is believed to reduce the effects of vertigo. It is believed to be a comparatively more effective solution than Epley maneuver. 

Drinking ginger tea with a dash of honey twice a day may help in reducing the dizziness, nausea, and other vertigo symptoms.


Almonds are considered to be rich sources of vitamins A, B, and E. A daily handful of almonds can help keep the vertigo symptoms at bay or at best reduce the harsh effects of it. There is not much evidence regarding the significance of almonds in treating dizziness. However, the vitamin content may combat the symptoms of vertigo.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural and affordable options for managing the symptoms of vertigo such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Peppermint, ginger, lavender, and lemon essential oils can be utilized to reduce the symptoms of dizziness. Essential oils are inhaled through an infuser or diluted in carrier oil, though a person might have to experiment with a variety of oils to find the best one to treat their vertigo and dizziness symptoms. 


Acupressure has been a time-proven technique to treat and prevent a multitude of health ailments. Its primary goal is to promote wellness and relaxation. It can stimulate the pressure points throughout the body that may eventually reduce the vertigo symptoms. P6 acupressure is a common method that involves an effective pressure point located in the two tendons between the inner forearm and the wrist. This is believed to help ease dizziness symptoms.

For further queries on home remedies for dizziness, get expert suggestions at Narayana Health, today!
