Education At Higher Level

Speaking today of education at a higher level and even more so in health refers to the dizzy changes in technology and the impact of globalization in the educational world. The training given to the health professional must start from the surrounding reality and respond to the needs that these imply when given undergraduate admission.

Education is the source of values ​​where great virtues are learned. Its importance is that man achieves his self-determination as a person.

Now we envision education from its context and various entities that influence students’ training, starting from the dizzying reality that requires an innovative and practical education to achieve an innovative, creative and effective health professional.

We know that education in values ​​and the values ​​that must be highlighted in higher education guarantees the future in education. We educators are the friends of those peoples.

This educational task is not possible without the institutions’ cooperation, in this case, the university. Therefore it is essential to work hand in hand, accompanying the necessary training process from a life project. For this reason, this study seeks to highlight and contribute the values ​​that must be highlighted from the educational task and contribute to higher education an aspect to continue working.

The education of values ​​in higher education in health professionals, at this current moment and it is a social requirement, also confronts vicissitudes due to the fact of having to start from the existing reality. Self-esteem at its lowest levels due to material and spiritual crises overwhelms everyone. Creativity turning into mischief due, sometimes to the natural liveliness and other times motivated by necessity.

The ethics converted “as there is for that” or “I voted for you,” is among other disadvantages, the referential framework where the teacher must be the savior of this moral catastrophe to facilitate educational work. As a result of the experience as a professor, the values ​​that should be promoted in higher education are friendship, creativity, freedom, joy, self-esteem, equality, humility, respect, dignity, sensitivity.
