6 Home Improvement And Decorating Tips

When it comes to maintaining your home or keeping it looking good, there are little projects that you can do to the inside and outside of it to help. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money, either. Keep the six tips below in mind to help ensure that your projects get completed the right way with minimal frustration and cost.

1. Have hot water lines insulated. Hot water lines can be insulated by preformed foam tubes that can easily be slipped onto the pipes since the foam is slit along its length. The insulation is normally sold for 30 to 40 cents per foot and will save approximately $50 annually on the electricity bill.

2. Buy from local suppliers. When you’re choosing your building supplies, explore domestic woods along with other local materials. This will not only help your local economy, but it will help to save rainforests and will lessen the amount of transportation required to get the product from its source to your home. This drastically lowers carbon dioxide emissions.

3. Plan your garden for long-term growth. Though you may adore the look of a garden that hasn’t got an inch of mulch or earth showing, it is important to keep future growth in mind. Your shrubs and flowering plants will be significantly larger at maturity and they will change shape. This will take up more room and will alter the way the garden gets sun or shade. So don’t block out your plants by forgetting that they’ll fill in.

4. Hang photos at eye level. There is no rule of thumb as to how high a picture should be hung. So, hang it at eye level so that you can look directly at it when standing up comfortably. This will help you to appreciate the pictures without having to look up or down at it, and will stop you from having to re-hang the pieces when you feel that they seem wrong from your height.

5. Make use of the back of switch plates to recall your paint color. When you need extra paint for touch-ups or if you simply want to add a fresh coat down the road, you’ll need to bear in mind precisely what paint color you used. By putting a dab of the paint color and writing its brand and color code on the back of the switch plates within the room, you’ll always know where you have the necessary information stored, saving time and effort needed to hunt it down.
